Breathe in all the Love By Dawn Beyer
Seeking love?
Right now, so many of us are sitting somewhere alone waiting, wishing, hoping to find love
To finally feel home, to feel whole, to feel okay. We are searching for that other person, that second half. We are just spending time, wasting time, focusing our thoughts on who it might be. Daydreaming about where in the world they might be right now, and how THEY will save us soon.
If we could just hold out for that other human being to come and make everything perfect, we will have waited patiently for heaven to find us, for heaven to be present, and then...then we will be whole. Meanwhile, we are not present in this moment because we are thinking, focusing, and hoping for something we do not yet have or hold.
Calling Bullshit.
Calling bullshit on the idea, the notion, the idea that love is out there to find, to cling tightly to, to wait for.
LOVE IS: Love is alive in this moment, love is here in the now, love is present as you- be in that. Be in love, just you and the sun, just you and the moon.
Breathe in all the love.
It is here. Love is here. How do I know? I know because I have spent years seeking it out, waiting patiently, holding tight to the preconceived notion that love will find me one day and all will be magic.
And then - and then I went out into the woods, into a tent, out of the noise .
And what I found was all that was already in me, already alive, already here. I found LOVE when I stopped waiting for someone else and I started listening, hearing and being present in the moment.
““We are not here to find love, we are here to be love” ”
So what does this all mean? It means, stop looking or searching, stop hoping or wishing, stop praying for it to find you and start GIVING it.
It is known, it is nature that: All that is sown, all that is given is then given back. If I plant a flower, a flower will grow. If I plant a flower on my journey and just keep walking, a flower will grow and another human being will one day be walking along their path and find that beautiful flower and in that moment, that human being will be reminded of all the beauty in this world.
So, if I am love and I give love, the same natural process happens. I give love and I keep moving. I sow positivity and speak goodness and I keep moving.
Then you just breathe...
you breathe and there it is...
breathe in all the love.
A return to love.
Stop. Stop waiting, stop wishing, stop seeking, stop praying for it.
Breathe... just is in the air, it is free, it is yours...breathe it in. What are you waiting for? Wholeness is already yours. It's in all the love that has come and has been given, in all the good intentions those before you have exuded from the core of their beings. Awaken to the truth that LOVE IS and what you are searching for is already alive within you. It is here, it is now. It is eternal, it is overflowing, it is the very essence of who you really are. What is the one thing that connects us all? What is the one truth, the common thread?
It is love. Just love.
- Dawn Beyer
The REAL Nashville, INC